Monday 24 June 2019

Coffee cake 4 eggs 2 heaped tsps instant coffee 225g softened butter 225g castor sugar 225g self raising flour 2 level tsps baking powder Preheat oven to 160°C. Grease 2X20cm round pans. Dissolve coffee in 1 tbl hot water. Put all ingredients into mixer and mix for about 3 -4 mins. Divide equally into pans and level out. Bake for abt 25 mins or until skewer inserted comes out clean. Allow to cool in tins for about 10 mins. Frosting 100g softened butter 300g sifted icing sugar 2 tbls instant coffee dissolved in 1 tsp hot water 1 tbls milk Sandwich frosting in between cakes. Make a ganache by heating 1/2 cup cream with 1 slab dairy milk or bar one chocolate. Cool completely. Pour over cooled cake and decorate as desired #memonikitchenwithshanu #foodporn #foodgasm #partysnack #bilkisfarooq #coffeecake

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